👤Proxy Authentication Types

Written By Ping Proxies

Last updated 3 months ago

We support both username/password authentication and IP authentication (Static Proxies Only) across our services.

Our innovative Proxy User and IAM system allows you to create Proxy Users, edit their credentials, track their usage, limit their residential bandwidth, and link their access to specific proxies and services all from our dashboard.

We have three main types of authentication

  1. Proxy User Authentication

  2. IP Authentication

  3. Proxy Specific Authentication

Proxy User Authentication

This type of authentication allows you to create a Proxy User and access the proxies available to them by using the username and password of the proxy user.

This allows you to use a consistent username and password across all your proxies.

We recommend using this type of authentication if you are reselling our services since you can assign each of your customers a proxy user and provision services to that user alone.

IP Authentication

This type of authentication allows you to access your static proxies without a username and password. You’ll first need to create a proxy user and then you can attach a white listed IP address to that user for authentication.

This IP address must be unique and can’t be assigned to any other proxy users.

Proxy Specific Authentication

This type of authentication allows you to limit access to a single static proxy. The username and password will be assigned only to that proxy and can’t be used to access other proxies, even if they’re in the same service.

When using proxy specific authentication, analytics and usage will be attributed to your default account Proxy User.