Proxifier: How to integrate residential proxies with applications which don't have native support

Here is how to set up Proxifier with your Ping Proxies’ packages in order to have the best proxies available for seamless connection to your applications.

What is Proxifier?

Proxifier allows network applications which don't support working through proxies to operate through HTTP/S proxy and chains.

Proxifier is available on iOS, Windows and Android! And they give you a free 31-day trial!

1. Starting Up

Once you have downloaded Proxifier on your computer, you need to set up your Ping Proxies onto the software.

Haven't got any Ping Proxies? Have a look at our packages and order which ones are best for you!

Firstly, just click Proxies to get started. Once you have clicked that, click Add to enter your Ping Proxies' information.

2. Entering your Ping Proxies' Information

All proxies we deliver use username/password authentication. We are using this proxy:

All Ping Proxies packages are use HTTP protocol and support HTTP/S for easy integration, ensure you click HTTPS in the Protocol section.

Click Enable and enter your username and password for your proxy which will once again be found in your email inbox with your order.

You will then be asked if you want Proxifier to use this proxy by default, if you do click Yes but don't worry this can be changed in the Rules section later if you change your mind.

3. Selecting Applications and Finishing Up

Not much left now!

Click Rules and then when the window pops up click Add at the bottom.

Now you need to click the plus symbol under Applications and select which applications you'd like your proxy to run on e.g. Chrome, Safari etc.

Finally, under Action select your proxy and now all of your requests on this applications will run through this proxy and you're done!

Last updated