💰Store Credit

Written By Ping Proxies

Last updated 3 months ago

Your Ping Proxies account can have store credit which can be used to pay for invoices and services. Store Credit can be managed and viewed in the Billing Section of your dashboard.

Adding Store Credit

Store Credit can be added to your account by clicking +Top-up in the Billing Section of your dashboard.

Once clicked, you’ll be prompted to select the amount of store credit you’d like to add to your account, you can add between $5 and $10,000 at a time. There is no maximum store credit.

Once you’ve entered the amount, you’ll be prompted to select your payment method and once confirmed, you’ll be taken off platform to complete your payment. Once the payment is received and confirmed, store credit will be automatically added to your account.

Using Store Credit

If there is Store Credit on your account, any new invoices which are generated for subscriptions or new orders will attempt to apply the store credit to the invoice at the point of generation.

If an invoice has already been generated and finalized, store credit can not be applied to it.

  • You can not select which invoices have store credit applied to them. Any and all new invoices will attempt to use store credit.

  • If an invoice has already been generated and finalized, store credit can not be applied to it.

These behaviours can not be changed as they are our billing system’s (Stripe) default payment behaviour but if you run into any trouble then don’t hesitate to contact support@pingproxies.com or open a ticket via the dashboard.

Adding credit via Wire, UK BACS or ACH Payment

We can also accept ACH, Wire and UK BACs payments for purchase orders or store credit top-ups over $1,000. Please contact admin@pingproxies.com if you would like to make a ACH, Wire and UK BACs payment.