Written By Ping Proxies
Last updated 3 months ago
If you are logged in and have active Datacenter Proxies or Static Residential ISP Proxies services then you can go to the Static List page and view all your assigned proxies and their relevant information including Proxy ID, Proxy Type, IP Address, Carrier, Location and Proxy Users which have access to them.
On the Static List page, you can also search for and filter specific proxies along with exporting them to a text file for use.
There are a range of export options including Protocol, List Format and Authentication type.
The standard format for proxies lists is IP_ADDRESS:PORT:USERNAME:PASSWORD.
This format is widely across various software, however, we also offer export in HTTP and SOCKS5 formats.
Format | Example | |
Standard | {ip_address}:{port}:{username}:{password} | |
HTTP | http://{username}:{password}@{ip_address}:{port} | http://stevejobs:saM2iBP2A@ |
SOCKS5 | socks5://{username}:{password}@{ip_address}:{port} | socks5://stevejobs:saM2iBP2A@ |
To find our more about the Authentication Type options you can select from, please look at
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